
Monday, September 28, 2015

Yes, I didn't blog last week. Or the week before.....

I started this post last Sunday after a week of not blogging. I had most of it done and thought I'd finish the last little bit at work before things got busy. Then -ish got crazy and my computer was down most of the morning while I was giving my hard drive put back in my laptop that just came back from being repaired. Then it needed 8000 updates and my day was shot.

So, what happened the weekend before last?

Well, it was sorority recruitment at NC State and I was at the house Saturday, Sunday. Tuesday and Wednesday. I knew I'd be there for a few hours every day, on top of all of my regular work things. It was all worth it though, the chapter welcomed 54 brand new members on Weds!

They get younger and younger every year...

The theme was "Welcome to the Jungle" and every thing was animal print and super adorable. When I was in school, Welcome to the Jungle had a completely different meaning... I'm really kinda bummed that they don't play any GnR. I'm really not sure they'd know what I was talking about if  I asked them to.

They had some adorable cookies though.

Yea, All weekend and almost every day that week put a bit of a kink in my blogging plans. And now my internet connection is being wonky. This is super annoying. OK, on to the desktop where all the internets work.

Oh please Google Fiber. Please be soon, and thank you for the shirt. Everyone here is super excited to have you. Really, it's like waiting for Santa. 

OK, that weekend I went out with Fleet Feet and ran 9 miles. Except it wasn't 9 miles, it was closer to 8.67 which made me a little ragey. I mean really, I was mentally prepared to run 9 miles and I didn't and it was an odd number and by the time we finished I was so annoyed with the people in the group, I just wanted to leave.

I have never been so annoyed with a run club before. There were women in the group who were raging bi***es. I was so annoyed I wrote an email to the coordinator. It started with one of the ladies yelling at the mentors because she didn't cross the street soon enough. (They were getting their routes coordinated) then they were running much faster than the rest and kept catching up to the 12-13 min group and passing them. Then we'd walk and they passed us. When they passed us they complained because we were downtown Raleigh and the sidewalks are narrow. Then further into the run, a different lady yelled at the mentor for not crossing the street fast enough. Ugh, I thought run clubs were supposed to be places were everyone builds each other up instead of being ass hats. 

For me it was a really crappy run. The people in the groups started out really fast and I was trying to keep up. By 5 miles I was dead and still had 4 to go. 

Since I was downtown I knew that there were some delicious carbs in by future. I'd been following Boulted Bread on Instagram for a while and knew it had to stop.

I got this amazing bialy that had ham and cheese and awesome inside. I also got a morning bun that didn't get a a picture taken because I ate it too quickly. I swear to you, it was one of the top 5 best things I've ever eaten in my life. Sweet heaven it was good. I got Kev a croissant and a loaf of some sourdough bread. I cried happy carby tears, so good. If you're local, you MUST go. 

The rest of the day was spent on the couch, after I got a mani and pedi. Word of advice from Lara, when your feet are battered from running 9 miles, a pedicure seems like a great idea but it really isn't. I think the lady got a little freaked put when grimaced and screamed a little every time she touched my feet. 

Oh, Saturday night Kev and I headed to Raleigh Little Theatre and saw Spamalot. I've seen the Holy Grail movie several times and was pretty excited to see the show.

Hysterical. It was awesome and the cast did a great job. I definite must see.

And that was my weekend before last. Phew. At least I finished this blog post, so yay me!

Alright folks, have a great week!

Linking up with BLoved Boston!AND


  1. Welcome to the Jungle is a seriously great theme! love it!

  2. Yay!!!! You're back!! (You know I love me some CC&C blogs!) First, Welcome to the Jungle... I was getting very excited about this until I realized also that this was not what I thought it was. Le sigh. But holey moley that's a lot of new recruits!
    I am also having severe pastry envy. Seriously, a well made authentic pastry is a beautiful thing :)

    1. There are so many of them now. I swear. When the chapter colonized NCSU said everyone should expect to be around 120 members. We're pushing 180 now. Oy Vey.

  3. Yeah, if I don't get in the amount of miles I've mentally prepared for it's a shit run. For any reason at all. I was supposed to do 8 miles last weekend and just didn't. I am still recovering from my 1/2 and my chiro is still beating me up. I did do 4.something miles yesterday night and if the humidity recedes, we'll prob do a bridge run tonight, then my intro to crossfit on wednesday evening. I know I need to get back into training because November is coming, but I just have zero motivation.

  4. It wasn't good. I was more bothered because it was runners, even though that sounds odd. I think runners should be more supportive of other runners.
