
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Convention Recap pt 2

Le Sigh, I totally meant to have this posted and up last week. The good news is that I actually think things might slow down a little bit at work, but that's probably wishful thinking, lol. After I got back from convention I rolled straight into 3 days of Sales Training that I facilitated. It was actually pretty fun to return to my trainer roots, especially since it was only for a few days.

Alright, on to the last 2 days of convention! Monday morning started off with the final business session where we installed the new National Council. We also gathered most of the Xi Chapter alum in for a picture in front of our flag.

Really, this was super cool. It's been a really long time since I interacted with alum from my chapter. I've been away for a long time and have been with Eta Upsilon for 5 years, longer than I was in college (thankfully). Seeing so many women from "my chapter" really helped to remind me of my roots. It was awesome to see so many people from the University of Pittsburgh.

After the final session and lunch it was time for our free half day. Some of the other CAS and I had dinner reservations at Todd English's restaurant over at the Dolphin but I still had several hours to kill and didn't have anything planned. I knew a bunch of people were going to Magic Kingdom but I didn't have enough time to go there and have dinner.

Instead I took the boat over to Hollywood Studios where apparently it's nothing but Frozen. Mo' Frozen, Mo' Money.

Honestly, the main reason why I went to Universal Studios was to go to Muppet Land! Honestly, I've never really been a Disney fan. I know people who love Disney movies, Mickey and Minnie and that's just never been me. What I do love are Muppets!

I was super excited to go to the Muppets 3D show. Beaker is my fav.

Statler and Waldorf were there to heckle the show, as they should be.

Definitely a cute show, I was just excited to be at a Muppet Show. After it was over, I headed to the gift shop.

So many feels. On one hand, I'm really glad this book exists so that people will know the awesomeness of Jim Henson. On the other hand, I'm so sad that someone had to write this.

Beaker came home with me.

Soon it was time for dinner. One of the beverages I enjoyed was this Swedish Fish martini, complete with Swedish Fish foam. It was pretty sweet but really yummy.

I had an amazing piece of salmon with some crazy crab sauce on the side.

We had a lot of adult beverages and it was a blast hanging out with new friends.

Tuesday morning and afternoon we had break out training sessions and before we knew it, it was time for the White Rose Ball!

All of the Chapter Accounting Specialists gathered for our final picture of the Convention!

Eta Upsilon CAB representing!

Me and the fabu Eta Upsilon Pres. We talk lots, that's the joy of me being your advisor. :)

I was super excited to finally meet this lady in person! Nancy was on of the founding members of the Xi chapter colonization back in the day and I remember looking at the face on the composite for 3.5 years. She's the CAB-Finance for one of the chapters I work with and I get to work with her too. She's the bomb.

For one of the last pictures of the night, the La(u)ra's had to get together. Laura is my House Corp counterpart at Eta Upsilon and she's fantastic. The chapter gets us confused all the time, which we totally perpetuate. We've thought about having a "Know your La(u)ra's" presentation so they'd finally be able to tell us apart. 5 years later, that still hasn't happened.

PHEW! THAT was the 2015 Kappa Delta Convention! As always it was an amazing time and I left with a new infusion of green and white!

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