
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Mid-Week Beach Trip

I'll be honest, my workouts haven't been the greatest lately. I've still been maintaining 3 times a week but I'm usually at 4 or 5. I don't think it's lack of motivation, I'm just bored with my options. I really want to run and by the time I get finished at work it's humid and nasty. Thankfully we only have a few more weeks of this weather. Which is good because I'm  eyeing a fall half marathon. I'm thinking of doing City of Oaks. Mainly because it's in November and my long runs won't be awful. And EVERYONE around here has shirts from racing it. All that training should hopefully put me in a good place to finally break my 5k PR. There are 2 fall 5ks that I love, the Monster Dash and Jingle Bell Run. Two years ago I PR'd at one and then the other a few weeks later. 30:13, so damn close to breaking sub 30. This is the year.

So, this week, we took a mid-week side trip to the beach. My sister in law and her family were down here for a visit and we took a side trip to the beach.This week had been a little crazy so I wanted to get up early and get in a beach run. Why? Backus the beach FLAT. Gloriously flat.

 I ran to the pancake restaurant where I met Kev. We had breakfast while everyone slept. :) I seriously love running somewhere and not having to run back. I'm sure it's all mental but there's something awesome about getting there and being done.

Then this happened.

Britt's Donuts, on the boardwalk at Carolina Beach. Go there and eat them. Thank me later. 

After breakfast and donuts it was time for the beach!

Ah glorious sun and sand. I have a confession. I don't care about being in the ocean. I really don't like being wet. I might stick my toes in the water but I don't  need to be in it. I think the ocean is a giant toilet. Just full of fish and people peeing in it. 

After a few hours it was time to pack up the house. Before we headed back to Raleigh, we stopped at the NC Aquarium. All I wanted this summer was to see a dang octopus. The invertebrate room was closed in DC due to lack of funds (which sucks). I figured at an actual aquarium I could see a one, right????? Nope.

We saw some really cool jelly fish.

These ones were my favorites. All the little jellyfish cruising through the tank. awesome. At least I finally saw some sort of invertebrate.

I also loved this stoned looking fish.

I think he just wants some Cheetos.

And like that, the day was over and we were heading back to Raleigh. It was a great way to break up the week, we should do that more often.

Octopus, yay or nae?

Ever run at the beach?


  1. I too want to hit a sub 30 time this year. I am down to 30:37- I think this will be the year for both of us! I am a Florida girl so I love the ocean :)

    1. I know! It's so frustrating to be that close. I was injured last year too and I'm still rebuilding. I just really, really want that sub 30!

  2. I'm doing City of Oaks and so is my friend Lisa (!!! I did it last year and it was the BEST race! The course is probably my favorite half I've ever done, except the hills...I'm from the beach and was woefully unprepared for that part, whoops. But somehow I managed to eek out a PR so all things consider, I think it's my favorite race :)

    1. AWESOME! I've been debating it for a while and I think this is the year! I did the Skinny Turkey Half which is up near Wakefield and that one was stupid hilly. They had an enormous hill at mile 13 which is just wrong. I did Tobacco Road this year which I highly recommend. It's so, so flat. Seriously the flattest course I've run here.

  3. You are so close, you can totally do a sub 30. That donut looks a little too good.
